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Meet our Speak2 Pal Volunteer – Reid Smallwood
Meet Our Speak2 Pal Volunteer Speak2 Pals Volunteer Program & Cox Communications Speak2 Family creates a new way to strengthen the...
To start with, I am not a PR person, I have little experience related to marketing and PR (other than owning companies) and I do not know the best practices around marketing and PR. That being said, I am a consumer, and I receive a ton of emails and notices on social media that are “press releases''. I am not opposed to press releases, but I am opposed to nonsense ones.
I get it - it’s a bit obnoxious to be so negative about something that is exciting to someone else, but it’s getting to the point where when I see a press release, I’m looking for the unintended humor connected to it. So, with that in mind, here is my list of the top 5 worst reasons for a press release.
While I am sure it’s exciting to have hired a new head of whatever, or your VC has introduced you to their “Chief Something Officer”, I’m not sure hiring someone is press worthy. The person might be really important to you, and if it is an industry heavyweight that raises eyebrows and is truly interesting, then great! But if that press release is basically, “We hired a new head of sales”...sorry, not press release material. Maybe send an internal email instead.
Thanks Captain Obvious. I get so many press release notices that tell me something that is so obvious in an industry that literally everyone is already talking about it - this doesn’t warrant a press release. These are usually a veiled attempt at saying, “this study proves you need my product” - I guess I’ve all fallen victim to this, but also, let’s all stop.
Good for you. Good…for…you…..why is this a press release? Email your friends.
So, let’s talk. Are you really the “only” product of your kind? Like, you’ve invented something that is literally the ONLY one? I’ve seen some really interesting “the ONLY” press releases - or worse, tag lines - lately. If you are going to claim you are the “only” product that does something, you damn well better be because otherwise that’s kinda weak. Side note, I am the only one in my family who can sing.
Again, I’ve fallen victim to this. Paying someone to give you an “award” in their fake award magazine and website, where you get an image for your website, is not a real award. Putting out a press release about the award you “won”? STOP.
OMG, you do?!? I can’t wait to read more, I wonder if you're excited and proud to be working with something that is so aligned with your mission?
3 min read
Meet Our Speak2 Pal Volunteer Speak2 Pals Volunteer Program & Cox Communications Speak2 Family creates a new way to strengthen the...
Meet a Mom Who Could Use a Little Help Being a mom of three children, I always secretly wished that I had a personal assistant. YES! Not one...
It was very early in the morning, before 7:00 AM. Lucy Crossman had gotten up in her apartment at Vitality Traditions at Mill Creek in...