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A look into Alexa Smart Properties

Over the past ten years, the world has recognized the value of Amazon’s Echo voice assistant, more commonly known as Alexa. In addition to being a...

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Look Who is Buying Tennis Balls on Amazon

Tennis Ball Basics I sometimes wonder what objects or gadgets around me might be used for something other than what they are intended for.

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Carlton Senior Living Headcount Reduction via Contextual Alexa

Carlton Senior Living Headcount Reduction via Contextual Alexa

Speak2 is proud to share the case study below. Providing contextual context related to requests has been a goal in Senior Care for a long time. The...

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Alexa is More

Alexa is More

The Basics “Alexa, play Taylor Swift.” That is the most common phrase, I imagine, that Alexa hears. Because everyone loves Taylor, even if they don’t...

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What “Matter” is, and Why it Matters

Have you heard of the term “Smart Home?” It should’ve been called “Genius Home,” because you had to be a genius to set it up. Smart Home was and is a...

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Which Alexa is Best for Seniors?

Which Alexa is Best for Seniors?

Alexa For Seniors At Speak2, we use our software with Amazon Alexa devices to help connect seniors to their families, caregivers, and community. With...

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The Importance of Positive Daily Affirmations

What are positive affirmations, and why should we use them? Positive daily affirmations are confident, motivated, forward-looking messages and...

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How Carlton Senior Living is Innovating with Speak2

How Carlton Senior Living is Innovating with Speak2

Carlton Senior Living Innovating with Interactive Voice-Interface Speak2 Carlton Senior Living and Speak2 both have strong missions to find...

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4 Ways Speak2 Can Support Family Caregivers

4 Ways Speak2 Can Support Family Caregivers

The Role of Family Caregivers There is a good chance that you, or someone you know, are helping to provide care to an aging family member who lives...

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How My Kids Connect With Their Grandparents Through Alexa 

How My Kids Connect With Their Grandparents Through Alexa 

A Mom’s Mission to Keep Her Kids and Their Grandparents Connected The Importance of Keeping Grandparents Connected to their Grandchildren Having...

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