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The Importance of Positive Daily Affirmations - Speak2Family

Written by Laura Anastasia | December 01, 2021

What are positive affirmations, and why should we use them?

Positive daily affirmations are confident, motivated, forward-looking messages and statements that many people choose to live by and think about at the start of each day. Affirmations can be about anything! For instance, maybe you want to improve or change something about yourself or feel motivated to reach your individual goals. Or perhaps, you would like simple statements that remind you that you are blessed and thankful for what life has given you.  Affirmations are not one size fits all. Stepping back and reevaluating the beliefs you hold about yourself and your life will help you figure out what types of affirmations are right for you. Repeating them to ourselves daily helps wash away negativity and self-doubt, especially when difficult or stressful times are upon us.  What is so significant and appreciable about positive affirmations is that it refocuses the mindset of individuals. It allows us to reset and approach things in a positive manner.  It clears our vision, especially when we see a path ahead filled with bumps and roadblocks that we will need to navigate and overcome.  In all, repeating these encouraging and supportive statements each day is the first step in breaking down the walls of negativity that we as humans naturally create, especially when feelings of stress and fright emerge. 

Why I like positive affirmations and using them daily. 

Many of us, especially those who do not like to admit it, tend to see the glass as always half empty rather than half full. Why? It’s a combination of upbringing and how lessons were taught and learned as children and young adults. Particularly, if we digested these life lessons and experiences in a negative light. Unfortunately, we carry these gloomy feelings forward. As a result, this affects how we approach and handle the many challenges we come across in our adulthood.    

Negativity is not the answer. We owe it to ourselves to stop this behavior and take the time to find positive affirmations that encourage positive changes within ourselves and to help us through hard times in our lives. Suppose we continue to operate in a pessimistic manner. In that case, we cheat ourselves of those little moments when things actually work out in the end from something that we initially viewed as negative.   

For positive affirmations to work effectively, it has to become a daily practice, like brushing your teeth or hair each morning. They need to be repeated as many times throughout the day as you see fit. If we want to erase the negative feelings we tie to ourselves, or continue with the euphoric feelings we are currently feeling about where we are in this world, we need to add these phrases to our everyday routine. This modification will surely allow you to reap the benefits of a happier state of mind. 

How do we do this? 

Repeating positive affirmations daily is the remedy to ending negativity and encourages thoughts of confidence and approval within ourselves.  With a bit of practice, it is very simple. First, we need to admit what self-transformations we want to accomplish or what feelings we want to continue. This process is truly beneficial to our health and soul. Next, we need to search from within, or research affirmations that will help with these thoughts that we hold. These statements will help prevent us from slipping down that negative slope that many of us have grown accustomed to automatically doing when challenges arise. That is what a positive affirmation does. It redirects! It recalculates! Affirmations encourage positivity and self-growth.  

In short, we need to take moments daily and say these positive affirmations to ourselves when we experience instances of doubt or complete confidence. For example, we can repeat phrases such as this, ”I am calm and in control of my own thoughts and actions” –OR- “I am a happy and positive person and always find the good in any situation.” By doing this every day, we can make this habitual. In the end, we are reprogramming our thought patterns for the better.  

Why are positive affirmations important to Speak2, and how can we help?


Affirmations with Speak2 and Alexa

As people age and find themselves to be empty nesters or unable to care for themselves, the changes can be overwhelming and at times, unsettling. The silence in a home once filled with constant activity or your new home in an assisted living facility, can leave seniors feeling empty and alone. As these feelings linger, they can consume one’s everyday thoughts and negatively affect their reactions when trying situations approach. 

This is where Speak2 can help!!! Positive affirmations are so essential for elders. If Speak2 can encourage positive thoughts by announcing positive affirmations daily on Amazon’s Alexa devices, seniors will embrace the changes of the next chapters of their lives. Especially when elders have instances of sadness, announcing affirmations daily and having seniors repeat these statements with Alexa each morning and night, can transform and shift their mindset and outlook. 

Affirmations for Our Aging Loved Ones

Anyone at any age could always use a healthy dose of happiness – but this is especially important for our seniors. Once they start to feel that they are no longer needed or lost in their “new normal,” daily affirmations can divert their attention and refocus them on what is good in the world and about themselves.  

Examples of affirmations that would be of great value to seniors in life-changing moments are “I am always open to new opportunities and adventures.” Or, “I always choose positivity.”  Repetition is key. If elders truly start to believe in these assertions, they will start to feel better and be more optimistic about their life and its new path.    

Our Favorite Daily Affirmations: 

Speak2’s mission is to help our aging population live happier and healthier lives. As stated in an article from psychologist Catherine Moore, “When we are able to deal with negative messages and replace them with positive statements, we can construct more adaptive, hopeful narratives about who we are and what we can accomplish.” What better way than to help seniors start their day with positive emotions. Furthermore, lessening feelings of anxiety or negativity.  In sum, whether seniors create these statements themselves or learn them from a device, with Speak2’s efforts, Alexa will be playing a valuable role in seniors’ lives. These affirmations are here to assist seniors in feeling confident and more resilient every single day.   

1. “Today is the day where you have the most knowledge and experience you’ve ever had. Make the most of it and be proud of everything you know, you’ve done and you will do.”

This is my favorite because I like the idea that every day means you’ve learned another days’ worth of stuff and that people should feel proud of everything they’ve done, but also to encourage people to use their experience in some way. – Matt Smith, Co-Founder and CEO 

2. “You didn’t come this far to only come this far.” 

Even if I’m just waking up in the morning, it reminds me of everything I’ve achieved (even when I’m not feeling great) and gets me excited to see what else is out there to learn and do.  – Jillian Guerra, Co-Founder 

3. “Always go with your gut feeling because it’s the inner voice within yourself that helps lead you towards the positive path in the journey of life.”

This is my favorite because I have found through experience, when I follow my gut instinct on whatever is on my mind, it always makes me feel calmer and excited for the outcome. It’s the inner voice inside of me that redirects me to positivity. – Laura Anastasia, Operations Manager

4. “With an attitude of gratitude, I live in an awareness of abundance, and I am richly blessed.” 

I am constantly trying to live every day in the present, especially when I find myself getting lost in the same routine. With this affirmation, I can take a step back to actively find things I can be thankful for. In all, leading my days with gratitude opens the door for me to appreciate more of myself, others, and life’s moments! – Ally Garthe, Marketing Analyst Intern

5. “I don’t chase, I attract. What belongs to me will simply find me.”

This is one of my favorite affirmations because it reminds me that the good in life will come and that eventually, all of the pieces in the puzzle will come together as they are meant to. Everything happens for a reason, and this affirmation reminds me that what is meant to be will be. – Allison Serido, Marketing and Design Intern

More Affirmations We Love: 


6. “I’m doing the best I can.”


7. “Everything will be ok.”


8. “Today will be  a good day.”


9. “Today I choose to be happy and have positive thoughts. Every day in every way I am getting better and better. Don’t let life discourage you, everyone who got to wear he is had to begin where he was.”


10. “If I can change my thoughts, I can change anything.”


11. “Never underestimate yourself. You are capable of great things.”


12. “To make small steps towards big goals, is progress.”